Our range of blade protectors enable you to securely store away your valuable knives whilst protecting hands, blades and drawers. They can be used for storing knives with blades up 25cm long
It is made from robust plastic and has a soft fleece interior to hold the blade snugly whilst minimising the risk of cutting yourself.
The blade guards are also suitable for use in knife bags and rolls.
Please choose you required size from the drop down
Narrow blades up to 2.5cm high would include vegetable/pairing, steak/utility, kitchen , carving, serrated types
Broad blades up to 5cm would include chefs/cooks, nakiri, santoku etc
We offer:
Up to 12cm / 2cm high (Vegetable and Paring knives, small Utility)
Up to 16cm / 2.5cm high (Utility & Kitchen knives)
Up to 18cm / 4.8cm high (Carving /Slicing knives)
Up to 21cm / 4.8cm high (Chef/Santoku knives)
Up to 25cm / 4.8cm high (Chef knives, Bread & Carving knives)